I Heart Sophie Muller
Sophie Muller is a genius. That was always the case but it seems another chunk of the population is realizing it. Right now, she is everywhere. The Beyonce Déjà Vu video is hers; the most sophisticated and stylized (and awesome) country music video of all time--excepting Johnny Cash’s Hurt--Like We Never Loved At All (Faith Hill) is also hers. She will soon put out Stealing Kisses (also by Faith Hill), which given the song itself, shall prove to be another genius video for her. She did the Dixie Chicks’s Not Ready To Make Nice. Beyonce’s going to work with her again, of course, in Ring The Alarm—cause Beyonce knows a good thing. Shakira’s Hips Don’t Lie is hers as well.
In mass culture, both originality and distinction are very hard to pull off I think. The culture seems set up precisely so that you can be superiorly good and still be just doing variations on the themes of the moment--you could just be brilliant at reverberating a same general tone as everyone else. Everyones bitches about lack of originality but when everything is so deeply submerged into a massively distributed aesthetic, a sort of coordinated "sense" of the times, to actually do something crisp and new and brilliant is very hard. The people who can do it have something beyond just being very talented. I have a video director crush on her. She’s on my list of idols now. I wish I could Netflix all her videos and have a Sophie Muller festival.
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